Post-Election Statement
To kill a people, is to kill their culture.
To eliminate a people, is to eliminate their heritage.
National history is propaganda and a singular narrative can stomp out the diversity of truth.
We have now become targets, people like you and me — who are committed to telling the full scope of the past, so that people can believe in their worth in the NOW. All so that our future can be better. Evolution works inside one motion, forward.
One can never go back. I have lived inside the context of history my entire life. The past is where I have made my career. The past has presented itself to me in ways that have filled my life with clarity, direction, and purpose. Even I have zero interest in returning to the past. History is made in the present, crafted in the present, and for the people of the present.
Our actions NOW are what put words on the page. Nostalgia is a fool’s errand. The world is different now and we will never be the same. In an approaching new world order, art and cultural heritage will soon be under attack. It’s time to prepare for the worst because it may be around the corner. So, feel free to call this media lab project DEGENERATE because we will continue to archive and tell the stories of EVERYONE. We will speak, we will research, and we will endure under the direction of two principles.
Narrative Heritage is also a safe space. We commit to telling your story. We commit to shining a light on your beauty. We commit to archiving your uniqueness for posterity, for the record, and on the record. We commit to making sure your human existence, sacrifice, and vibrancy are remembered.
The only way to live forever is through history, memory, and shared traditions. We commit to highlighting all the ways you create meaning in YOUR life. All the beautiful things. Whatever waits for us on the next page is a reality we can and will face together.
I am a victim. I am a survivor. I am tired. I am scared. However, “courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” We commit ourselves to your gorgeous narratives. One more thing, KNOW that your heritage is intangible and NO ONE can take that away from you. No matter how hard they try. We hear, we see you, we love you. Ever-forward, no matter which direction the pendulum swings.