Intangible Queer LA is a map that highlights the fact that many event organizers and community groups don't have brick-and-mortar spaces - but that doesn't mean that we don't hold space.

Partnering with other businesses and groups gives us an ephemeral quality and allows us to move in a bigger way. Plus, the businesses that partner with us are able to serve and be served by our communities. Being transitory also allows us to cut major costs and meet people where they are, wherever they are. Our community nowadays is not limited to bars - our heritage has become and is increasingly becoming intangible. I'm not mad at it 🙂

Map Parameters:

For now, there are only three parameters for this map, but they’re big ones:

  • The location must be within Los Angeles County borders.

  • The location must be open as of 2024. Any venues that close after this year will change from color to grey.

  • The location must have hosted/been the site of at least one queer event between 2018-2024. From here on, events must have taken place within the past three years.


If you know of a cool spot that has hosted an event between now and 2018, add it to the map! Simply click to interact and submit. Feel free to add any descriptions about the spot as well! If you are a community organizer, definitely include your event details!

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Some Popular Event Organizers

Are you a queer events organizer or have more detailed suggestions for the map?

Please send it through! After review, you’ll be added to the project if it matches the requirements.

For events organizers:

  • Must organize primarily queer events

  • Must operate in Los Angeles County

For event spots:

  • Must be queer owned or queer-friendly

  • Must have hosted at least one queer event in the past three years

  • Must be located in Los Angeles County